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Important Notice | The NL Pavilion DMEA is postponed due to the Coronavirus to 16-18 June by DMEA. More information on NL participation will follow.

For more information, please contact TFHC Programma Manager Guido Danen via guido.danen@tfhc.nl /+31 (0)70 21 99 001


Are you active in digitalization in healthcare and is Germany an important (upcoming) market? If so, then the DMEA (16 – 18 June) needs to be on your agenda! Because of the strategic importance of this trade fair and congress for Dutch companies and organizations wanting to be active in Germany, Task Force Health Care together with the RVO.nl and the Netherlands Business Support Office in Stuttgart are organizing an NL Pavilion at the DMEA 2020.

The DMEA (formerly known as the ConhIT) is the congress and trade fair where all German stakeholders (companies, healthcare providers, insurers, branch organizations, politicians and practitioners) in healthcare IT and digital health are present to learn about new trends and innovations, network, find partners and learn about the digitalization of healthcare in Germany. The main focus of the trade fair is a healthcare IT, eHealth apps and digital solutions for senior care/nursing.

Why this year’s edition is crucial to Dutch companies and organizations

At the end of 2019, Germany passed the digital care law which enables medical professionals to prescribe digitals tools to patients who are reimbursed by public healthcare insurers. On top of that, Germany is working hard on and investing in its digital infrastructure inside and out of healthcare providers. In other words, though digitalization was a difficult subject for Germany for many years, progress is being made and the market is opening up. Germany is a ‘Messeland’ – being at trade fairs is of key importance to identifying, meeting and maintaining your relations in Germany. So now is the time to invest in your network, partners, and customers in Germany.

 eHealth market study Germany

Would you like to learn more about eHealth in Germany? Download the eHealth market study Germany. This report was written by Task Force Health Care and commissioned by the Netherlands Business Support Office and the Dutch Enterprise Agency in order to provide a clear overview of the digitalization of the German healthcare sector and system.

What’s included?

  • A stand at the NL Pavilion (40m2) at the DMEA with both NL Branding and your company’s own branding. Collective space for meetings.
  • 2 exhibitor entrance tickets per registration
  • DMEA promotion package to increase your exposure and visibility.
  • Network receptions to (informally) network with relevant parties.
  • Wifi/Electricity/cleaning/mission booklet
  • Catering services (coffee, tea, water, lunch) at the stand
  • Knowledge sharing and networking with other members from the Dutch delegation.
  • Support from the TFHC (sector specialist) and the NBSO Stuttgart (Germany specialist).
  • Individual matchmaking with relevant parties facilitated by the Enterprise Europe Network.
  • Based on interest: Collective visits to relevant organizations in- and around


  • TFHC partners: €2950,- excl. VAT* (PIB Germany members pay a different fee)
  •  Non TFHC-partners: €3300,- excl. VAT*

Businesses and knowledge institutes active in the Healthcare sector, especially (but not exclusively) those focusing on the following areas of expertise:

  • eHealth (Digital Health): Smart solutions to use health resources such as information, finance and medicines better and more efficiently. Services and technology to enable remote patient monitoring; better dissemination of information and improved access to health services, remote consultations, and telemedicine.
  • Mobility & Vitality: Smart products and services designed to stimulate, enable and facilitate disable, less abled and vital citizens to be and stay active and mobile participants/ contributors in society.


Registration is closed!


For more information regarding this NL Pavilion at the DMEA 2020, please contact:

Task Force Health Care
Programme Manager Europe
Guido Danen
E guido.danen@tfhc.nl
T 070 21 99 001