Health~Holland International Strategy

Given the importance of trade, knowledge sharing, and foreign investments for the Dutch economy and society, internationalization is crucial to achieving the ambitious goals set by the mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy of the Dutch government. Therefore, the renewed internationalization strategy has the overarching goal of enhancing the competitive strength of the Dutch Life Sciences and Health (LSH) sector. This document provides the opportunity to take concrete steps aimed at the necessary support for the LSH sector, focusing on export, attracting foreign investments, and fostering international collaboration in R&D and innovation.

Collaboration Health~Holland and Task Force Health Care

Health~Holland and Task Force Health Care have joined forces to strengthen international collaboration and innovation in the healthcare sector. This collaboration reflects a shared commitment to advancing healthcare innovation and promoting the Dutch healthcare sector as a global leader.

An important component of this collaboration is the joint organization of various activities throughout the year. These activities provide information regarding the opportunities for the Dutch LSH sector in the priority countries/regions and the thematic interests. Together with the Dutch regional networks, sessions are organized to offer the support and tools to shape your international activities and ambitions in a sustainable manner.

Large strategic events

To promote the global visibility of the Dutch LSH sector, Health~Holland and Task Force Health Care also organize large-scale strategic events. A standout example is the collaborative engagement in strategic important exhibitions, including the MEDICA in Düsseldorf. At the request of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), we will jointly organize the 14th edition of the NL Health~Holland Pavilion.

Another example is the yearly Health~Holland Visitors Program, where high-level decisionmakers from around the globe are invited to the Netherlands to increase their knowledge of the renowned Dutch healthcare system. Part of this program is the World of Health Care, where Dutch LSH entrepreneurs get the opportunity to meet this delegation and to exchange knowledge and experiences.

United States of America flag

United States | Health~Holland Country Update
July 11, 2024

The US is the largest market in the world when it comes to healthcare, biotech, medical devices, and the pharmaceutical industry, offering many opportunities for Dutch LSH organizations. Are you a Dutch LSH organization and would you like to know more about the latest LSH trends in the United States? And would you like to provide input on future activities related to the United States? Join us for this digital event to (re-)connect with key stakeholders, receive the newest LSH updates, and set the agenda for upcoming activities and initiatives for Dutch LSH organizations in the US.

Register here.


Netherlands | Health~Holland Global Health Dialogue
September 12, 2024

The Dutch Global Health Strategy 2023-2030 identified key areas for improving public health worldwide, highlighting the importance of including the private sector in healthcare financing and delivery through PPPs. Are you a Dutch LSH organization and would you like to know more about the potential of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the field of global health? Join us for an inspiring Global Health Dialogue, where we explore the benefits of PPPs for global health. Discover how these partnerships embrace innovation and promote investment in inclusive business models, creating a sustainable impact on global health beyond traditional philanthropy.

Register here.

logo of World of Health Care

Netherlands | Health~Holland Visitors Programma / World of Health Care
September 23 – 27, 2024

During the Health~Holland Visitors Programme international delegates will be introduced to key players with our ecosystem and introduced to cutting edge innovations from The Netherlands. TFHC’s signature event the World of Health Care (WoHC) brings together key healthcare stakeholders from across the globe to discuss prominent developments in healthcare. An ideal opportunity to extend your global network.

Register here for the WoHC: 25 September 2024, Rotterdam!

Rotterdam Square logo

Rotterdam | H~H Region Session
October 24, 2024

Are you ready for the next step and curious about how to expand your Life Sciences & Health (LSH) business internationally? Then register for this physical event focusing on the process of internationalization for Dutch LSH organizations in Greater Rotterdam – The Hague area. Get inspired and prepared to propel your international journey. Become aware of the available support and (financial) instruments by Rotterdam Square, the Topsector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland), and Task Force Health Care and join us during this inspiring and interactive regional session in Rotterdam.

Register here.

Latin America (Colombia & Mexico) | Health~Holland Country Update
October 29, 2024

Latin America keeps developing and the concern for healthcare increases. Governments respond to this increasing focus on healthcare by improving the structure and quality of health systems. This offers opportunities for Dutch LSH organizations to provide innovative healthcare solutions. Would you like to learn more about the latest trends and developments in the Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sectors of Colombia and Mexico? Are you eager to learn how the Topsector LSH, Dutch government, and TFHC can support you and (re-)connect you with key stakeholders? Join the Latin America Health~Holland Country update.

Register for free!

square flag Indonesia

Indonesia | Health~Holland Country Update
October 30, 2024

Are you interested in taking your business to the healthcare market in Indonesia? Are you ready to take your business to the next level by optimally preparing for the expansion? If so, this Indo-Dutch Health Dialogue is for you! This seminar aims to support Dutch organizations that are interested in doing business in Indonesia and want to be optimally prepared to elevate their market entry in the Indonesian healthcare market. This is of interest to both newcomers and more experienced companies.

Register now for free on the website. 

flag of China

Asia (China) | Health~Holland Country Update
November, 2024

China is the second largest economy in the world and the Netherlands is its third-largest European trading partner. From the Netherlands there is a strong interest in exporting innovative medical devices and e-health solutions, as well as offering expertise on elderly care and healthcare sustainability to China. This is reflected by the large number of SMEs participating in trade missions during the last years, the PIB on elderly care, and joint research on non-communicable diseases. Would you like to learn more about the latest trends, developments, and opportunities in the Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sector of China? Are you eager to learn how Dutch solutions can contribute to solving challenges? And do you want to get informed on how the Topsector LSH, the Dutch government, and TFHC can support you with upcoming activities and (re-)connect you with key stakeholders? Join the China Health~Holland Country Update.

Interested? Contact Micha van Lin

ROM Utrecht Region | H~H Region Session
November, 2024

Are you ready for the next step and curious about how to expand your Life Sciences & Health (LSH) business internationally? Then register for this physical event focusing on the process of internationalization for Dutch LSH organizations in Utrecht Region. Get inspired and prepared to propel your international journey. Become aware of the available support and (financial) instruments by ROM Utrecht Region, the Topsector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland), and Task Force Health Care and join us during this inspiring and interactive regional session in Utrecht.

Interested? Contact Daphne Elberse