In April 2022, the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) presented her advice for the development of a Dutch Global Health Strategy. This has resulted in series of (internet) consultations with Dutch and foreign stakeholders in the field of Global Health, organised by the Dutch Government. Task Force Health Care and her partners have actively contributed through the consultations, resulting in the following insights and recommendations.
Improve the intersection between health system strengthening, solutions and finance
Global Health is an extremely broad topic that encompasses many different aspects. We stress the importance of an integrated approach in which three key areas are interlinked.
- Health system strengthening (Demand driven & international inspiration); TFHC fully concurs that Dutch efforts in global health should be demand-driven and concurrently take into account the unique expertise that the Netherlands has to offer. Local policies, structures and healthcare demands should be the starting point of any intervention. At the same time, inspiration can be provided to local policymakers and key opinion leaders.
- Solutions (Local & International); To strengthen healthcare systems, innovative solutions that are suitable in a country’s context need to be implemented. Dutch healthcare solutions are highly innovative, and the Netherlands has particular expertise in the field of digital technology and logistics, but also in many other (niche) aspects of the healthcare system.
- Sustainable finance (Investments & regular funding); To strengthen a health system, sufficient, predictable and smart financing is essential. Solutions including national or local insurance schemes or sustainable business models need to be further explored and utilized. An approach to health system strengthening that includes both solutions and finance is therefore imperative for sustainable development of health systems
Adopt a broader view than SRHR and expand Dutch Global Health policy
Dutch organizations and institutions with healthcare expertise are often particularly active abroad. On the one hand to innovate internationally, on the other hand to use acquired knowledge and skills to make healthcare systems stronger and more resilient. The contributions and interaction of Dutch organizations in the global health sphere is much broader and wider than only on the topic of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). TFHC acknowledges and applauds the specific role as a ‘donor with courage’ that the Dutch government plays in these field. We would recommend that, as part of the new Global Health Strategy, additional attention and support should be given to the interaction between health system strengthening, innovative solutions and financing as described above. In some cases, this might be very well applicable to SRHR, but a broader view is needed to ensure well-functioning health care systems.
Utilize and strengthen existing networks for cooperation
The AIV advice included national and international coherence as a building block for the new strategy. The AIV recommends establishing a platform for relevant Dutch stakeholders in which they can cooperate to tackle global health challenges with common goals, strategic priorities and leading principles. For 25 years, ‘Task Force Health Care’ is the Dutch platform committed to joining forces nationally for international cooperation to global healthcare challenges in which Dutch expertise and innovations can make a difference. The platform brings together the business community, knowledge institutions, NGOs, governments, healthcare providers and financiers. The recognition of the importance of global health and the establishment of the connection with the overall Dutch Top Sector LSH will result in a multiplication of this accumulated knowledge, expertise and activity.
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