Colombia & Mexico | Health~Holland Country Update Session

Powered by Health~Holland, this seminar aims to support Dutch organizations that are interested in doing business in Colombia and Mexico. This is of interest to both newcomers and more experienced companies. The online seminar provides insights into new developments and activities planned for 2025.

When: Tuesday 29 October 2024: 15.30 – 17.00 NL (CEST); 8.30-10.00 MX (CST); 9.30-11.00 CO (COT); 11.30-13.00 BR (BRT)
Where: Online
For: Health Infrastructure, Digitalization, Medical Devices, Public Health, Capacity building and training
Register for free!


Colombia’s healthcare system is ranked as the best in Latin America and 22nd worldwide by the WHO. However, the country is working to address some key challenges driving investments in healthcare infrastructure and technology:

  • Closing the gap between urban and rural/remote healthcare access
  • Improving efficiency and financial sustainability
  • Preparing for an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services

Colombian healthcare stakeholders view the Netherlands as an important partner and reference point for healthcare development. The Netherlands is considered a frontrunner in healthcare digitalization, positioning Dutch companies well to contribute to Colombia’s digital health transformation. However, Colombia is not an easy market, that requires a long-term approach and investment in building relationships. Navigating policy developments such as the Reform Salud, regulatory processes and overcoming potential language barriers and cultural differences in business practices is key.


Mexico has dismantled its Seguro Popular healthcare program and is transitioning to a more centralized system through INSABI and IMSS-Bienestar, aiming to provide health services for the uninsured population.

Key challenges in the Mexican healthcare system include:

  • Inequity in access to healthcare between urban and rural areas
  • Financial protection for patients, with high out-of-pocket expenses
  • Quality of care, which is perceived as low by the population
  • Fragmentation of the health system across different public and private providers
  • Addressing the growing burden of non-communicable diseases

What to expect?

This webinar will provide insights into:

  • Trends and developments in the healthcare sector with an aim to create market access opportunities
  • Key policy developments in both countries
  • Experiences of other Dutch entrepreneurs active in both countries
  • Upcoming opportunities to visit Colombia in February 2025

Who should join?

The seminar is relevant for Dutch companies and institutions that could contribute expertise and solutions in areas such as:

  • Healthcare facility design and construction, particularly for primary care centers
  • Medical equipment and technology, especially for diagnostics and treatment of non-communicable diseases
  • eHealth and digital health solutions to improve access and efficiency
  • Knowledge sharing and training programs for healthcare professionals
  • Consulting on healthcare policy and system design
  • Innovative models for preventive care and health promotion
  • Collaborative research initiatives
  • Welcome and Introduction
    By Micha van Lin, Task Force Health Care
  • Navigating Colombian Healthcare Infrastructure Expansion (
    By Jan Willem van Bokhoven – Cámara de Comercio – Holland House Colombia 
  • Trends and Developments in the LSH Sector of Mexico
    By Dr. Santiago March Mifsut, Funsalud & Asociación Nacional de Hospitales Privados (ANHP)
  • Sharing experiences of Dutch organisations with experience in Colombia & Mexico (tbc)
  • The Way Forward – upcoming activities and Visit to Colombia February 2025
    By Micha van Lin, Director Task Force Health Care
  • Closing

Participation costs

Attending this Health~Holland Regional Session is free of charge. If you are unavailable to attend the event, please unregister at least a day ahead of the event. We are obliged to charge a fee of €75 in case of a no show for venue and catering costs.

Do you want to join this event? Then please register now. We are looking forward to physically meeting you. The location will be announced soon.

Daphne van TFHC


Do you have any questions about the program or logistics and financial matters? We are happy to help. For more information, please contact:

Contact name: Daphne Elberse, Project Manager
Phone: +31 (0) 6 26 95 15 74