IADB supports the Health Sector in Nicaragua
Source: EVD

Tender Information:

Phase In appraisal – this means that the project feasibilty is being evaluated
Processing stage Preparation
Financing Institution Inter-American Development Bank

Tender Summary:
Project Description:
Identification mission is pending – in that mission, objective, component and interventions to support will be agreed on with the Government of Nicaragua

Project Number: NI-L1054
Country: Nicaragua
Sector: Health
Subsector: Health Programs
Project Type: Loan Operation
Project Subtype: Specific Investment Operation
Estimated Total Cost: USD 12,500,000

Roles & Responsibilities
IDB Team Leader: Sanchez-monin, Emmanuelle
Executing Agency: Ministerio De Salud

IDB Headquarters
1300 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.20577, USA

[202] 623-1000
Fax: [202] 623-3096

For more information, please see:
The EVD orginal announcent
The IADB website