Healthcare Mission – Teheran, Iran:
From 10 to 13 April TFHC and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) organised a Life Sciences &Health Programme for an SME trade mission to the Islamic Republic of Iran. A total of 12 Dutch LSH companies formed the first Dutch health delegation. Participating companies enjoyed collective visits to the Iranian Ministry of Health, a public- and private hospital and a medical distribution centre. In addition, the Dutch delegation was offered a matchmaking session and roundtable sessions with Iranian health companies and institutions. On the last day an official trade dinner completed a fruitful visit to Iran.

Economic Mission with the Dutch Royal Couple – Bayern, Germany:
In the presence of the Dutch Royal Couple, and led by Minister Ploumen, TFHC in cooperation with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency organised an economic trade mission to Bayern, Germany. A large total of 31 organisations participated in the programme focussed on medical technology and eHealth. Following the kick-off meeting the Dutch delegation visited KUKA Healthcare centre, Siemens Healthcare, participated in a company matchmaking event and were present at a high-level networking dinner with the Dutch Royal Couple.

China Medical Equipment Fair – Shanghai, China:
From 17 to 20 April TFHC China, in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy, organised the Holland Pavilion at the China Medical Equipment Fair in Shanghai. The CMEF is the largest Medical Trade Fair in Asia. Approximately 3,800 exhibitors deriving from 26 different countries displayed their products and services. In addition, more than 20 national- and regional pavilions were present at the CMEF. In total, 7 Dutch companies exhibited in the Holland Pavilion this year. The participating companies were: BAP Medical, Curamedical, Handshoemouse, Interster, Qserve, Variopool and Wittenburg.

Fact Finding Mission – Nairoby, Kenya:
TFHC completed a fact finding mission as part of a market study in cooperation with the Dutch embassy and Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF). More information concerning the market study will follow soon.

Saudi Health – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
TFHC Middle East in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy of Riyadh and Holland+You organised a Holland Meeting Point at the 2016 edition of the Saudi Health Exhibition. The exhibition hosted to more than 16,000 healthcare professionals and 550 of the world’s leading healthcare suppliers, manufacturers and service providers. New for this year was the addition of an extra exhibition hall which accommodated more than 100 new exhibitors.

eHealth Week – Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
TFHC in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Welfare & Sport, Nictiz and Health~Holland organised a Health~Holland stand during the annual event for eHealth innovation. The event was hosted in the context of the EU-Presidency of The Netherlands. The eHealth Week 2016 edition was focussed on the patientâ and three corresponding themes: Empowering People, Trust & Standards and Social
Innovation & Transition