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Dear Relation,

The Task Force Health Care and RVO (team International Research and Innovation) organise, together with Holland Innovation Network and the Brightlands China Center in Maastricht, a mission on international medical technology cooperation to China, Hong Kong & Shenzhen.

MedTech opportunities in China:

China has the world’s largest population and will be facing huge challenges in health care during the coming years. There is a strong push by the Chinese government to encourage innovation within the home-grown medical device industry. This includes cooperation with more advanced (overseas) partners, joint development projects, and providing subsidies to innovative overseas companies which have a serious interest in bringing their advanced technology to China.

Dutch company profile for this mission:

Innovative Dutch medical device companies looking for opportunities to attract international investment or form international research and development partnerships. These are companies with either a technology readiness level (TRL) 5 – 6 or start-ups looking for Chinese investors. Research institutes in relevant areas with an interest in joint industry-research projects are also encouraged to participate.

What can you expect during the mission:

Please note that below items may be subject to change.

1. Collective visits to innovative and advanced medical technology institutes, companies and universities /research institutes in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
2. Seminars on funding possibilities for technology cooperation and recent medical developments in the EU and China.
3. Project building and matchmaking with companies and institutes not only from China, but also from other country delegations (including Switzerland, Israel and the USA).
4. Participation in the InnovaTech Roadshow event, with the opportunity to make a pitch in front of around 100 companies including venture capitalists, investment and MedTech companies from Switzerland, Israel and the USA. This event will also provide unique insight into what is trending within the Chinese medical device market and how to gain access to this huge market.
5. Entrance and visit to the China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) with around 100,500 visitors from 140+ countries and around 4,000 exhibitors from 26 countries.
Costs for participation:
Costs for participation will be € 950,- (excl. VAT) per company.
Additional individual costs, such as flight, hotel costs and eventual costs for translators are on your own expense.


Are you interested in participating in this mission. Please fill out the application form through this link


Please send in your application before july 1st but be aware that the number of participants is restricted, so apply on time!

With kind regards,

On behalf of Task Force Health Care, Suze Kruisheer

On behalf of RVO (team IRIS), Niels van Leeuwen