Since 2014 the Task Force Health Care initiated, (co-)organised and was involved in various activities to support and facilitate Dutch healthcare organisations with their international activities focused on South-Africa.

Below a summary of collective activities we organised in relation to South-Africa:

2014 (April)        –              Healthcare Fact-Finding Visit to Pretoria, Joburg and Capetown
2014 (July)          –              Healthcare Mission to Pretoria, Joburg and Capetown
2015 (March)     –              Launch of “Healthcare Market Report on South Africa (developed by KPMG)
2015 (March)     –              Seminar: “Healthcare Opportunities in South Africa” (12 March 2015)

Based on the positive feedback and interest which we received from Dutch healthcare organisations and as a follow-up we hereby would like to invite you to officially join the TFHC Working Group South-Africa (TFHC WG SA). The primary aim of the TFHC WG SA is to be more successful in identifying, winning and executing healthcare projects in South-Africa.

Attached (click on hyperlinks below) you will find:

  • The Collective Plan of Approach: “TFHC Working Group South-Africa” (click here).
  • The report: “Healthcare Opportunities in South Africa” (click here).
  • Application Form: (click here).

If you want to join the TFHC WG SA, please fill-out and return the attached form to Peter Post ( before the 30th of April.

On Tuesday the 12th of May 2015 between 14:00 and 16:00 the first official kick-off meeting for the TFHC WG South-Africa will take place at the FME in Zoetermeer (Boerhaavelaan 40).

For questions or comments about the TFHC Working Group South-Africa you can directly contact Peter Post (mail: tel: 079 353 1283)