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What are the latest developments in China’s Life Sciences & Health sector? How can Dutch solutions contribute in solving these challenges?  Are you eager to learn how the Topsector LSH and Dutch government can (re-)connect you with key stakeholders? Please sign up here for this (free) Digital meet-up. 

What to expect?   

  • A country update addressing the current situation in China with regard to the LSH sector its opportunities, challenges and the long term perspective. 
  • Moving Forward, co-creating the Sino-Dutch LSH-agenda:presenting and discussing our upcoming activities and our future programme for China.  
  • Your participation gives you the opportunity to influence what kind of activities should be organized to boost your business in China.


We will start our session with an update by Nico Schiettekatte, counsellor of Health, Welfare and Sports at the Dutch embassy in Beijing. Nico will inform you about the current impact of Covid-19 on doing business in China and how the embassy can support companies in these challenging times. The session will be concluded by Tom Dillen. Tom owns and runs the transformation consultancy Greenkern with offices in Beijing, Berlin and Palo Alto.  Tom has been involved in many unique and groundbreaking projects in China, including the first collaboration between Chinese Education TV and the BBC, as well as the development of China’s first-ever online innovation co-creation hub for the automotive industry. He has a keen understanding of innovation and transformation and how these forces are shaping China’s dynamic society. In this session, Tom will explore the effects of China’s heavily digitalised society on healthcare.

09.15h (doors open) Welcome
09.30h – 09.40h Opening by Esther van den Heuvel, Programme Manager Asia, TFHC
09.40h – 9.55h Setting the scene: Country update on China’s LSH sector
By Nico Schiettekatte, Counselor for Health, Welfare and Sports, NL Embassy Beijing

  • Update on COVID-19
  • How to support Dutch business in times of COVID-19?
09.55h – 10.25h Interactive group discussion with participants: The way forward
Co-creating our strategy to grow Sino – Dutch LSH cooperation, trade and innovation. Zooming in on the needs of the Dutch LSH sector.
10.25h – 10.45h Exploring the effects of a heavily digitalised society on healthcare
By Tom van Dillen, Greenkern
10.45h – 10.55h Q&A with Tom van Dillen
10.55h – 11.00h Closing
By Esther van den Heuvel, Programme Manager Asia, TFHC

Did you know? 

  • China aims to include eligible digital medical services in the coverage of the medical insurance catalogue.
  • Smart medical equipment, medical Internet of Things(MIoT) are among the key sectors of the digital economy. 
  • More public health centers will be newly established or upgraded, including: 15 new regional public health centers, 20 upgraded national centers for major communicable disease, and 20 upgraded national medical centers for emergency. 
  • China wants to scale up the capacity of medical professionals, especially professions in shortage, e.g. pediatricians, GPs, and nurses. The number of registered nurses is expected to increase to 3.8 nurses per thousand population 
  • Elderly care providers are encouraged to extend their services to ‘be embedded in communities’ (close to home). 
  • It is expected that China’s annual R&D expenditure will increase on average more than 7%, according  

After this Digital meet-up, you will have strengthened your…   

  • ..knowledge on LSH-opportunities in China 
  • ..marketing strategy for 2021-2022 through the China-Dutch LSH-agenda 
  • ..network of fellow Dutch innovators and entrepreneurs active in China  

Register today!   

Register here.This event is FREE of charge.