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China’s population is ageing faster than that of other middle-income countries. By 2060, almost 400 million inhabitants will be 60 and older. This poses a number of healthcare challenges. That’s why the Chinese government is looking for solutions to transform the country’s healthcare system. 

As part of a new collaborative programme, you can connect with Chinese stakeholders, present your solutions, and gain extensive knowledge about new elderly care initiatives in China.

China’s rising demand for elderly care solutions 

Due to societal changes in China, elderly people may no longer exclusively rely upon their children as comprehensive providers of long-term care. This results in an increasing demand for elderly care solutions. On top of this, there is a shortage of medical staff and a rising burden of non-communicable diseases.  

China wants to transform its healthcare system with a strong focus on home care, followed by community-based care at the second level, and institutional care for ultimate support. Given the profound experience of The Netherlands in providing cost-effective home and community care solutions, we serve as an inspirational model for China. 

Collaboration supported at the highest level 

One of China’s most important government agencies, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), has signed an MoU with the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to address the challenges of its ageing society together.  

Task Force Health Care coordinates the implementation of this MoU on the Dutch side. We closely collaborate with Vilans, the National Centre of Expertise for Long-term Care in The Netherlands. We invite you to join this programme to seize the opportunity for Sino-Dutch collaboration.  

The programme aims to… 

  • promote and position the Dutch elderly care policies and practices strategically 
  • identify opportunities for Sino-Dutch cooperation 
  • facilitate partnerships by connecting you to your relevant Chinese counterparts 
  • facilitate Sino-Dutch elderly care cooperation projects  

 We will do this through multiple activities over a period of 3 years. These activities will include missions (incoming and outgoing), government-to-government (G2G) activities, policy fora, thematic seminars, and matchmaking. Participation is flexible, fees are attractive. 

See the full brochure

What’s in it for you? 

Increase your business opportunities in China by…

  • presenting your solution under the banner of a programme supported by both governments 
  • learning about relevant opportunities and initiatives within China’s elderly care sector 
  • sharing experiences with like-minded stakeholders 
  • building a network of relevant stakeholders and Key Opinion Leaders in Chinese long-term and elderly care, active in the public and private sector 

Stay updated and share your good practice

Do you want to be the first to be informed about our future activities with China?

As part of the implementation, we are mapping the Dutch elderly care landscape and corresponding good practicesDo you have a good practice that should be included? Please contact Esther van den Heuvel, Programme manager Asia.  

E: esther.vandenheuvel@tfhc.nl 
T: +31 (0)6 – 127 609  68 


Milestone reached to promote Dutch Elderly Care in China | How is health care organized in the Netherlands? Which Dutch organizations want to collaborate with China on elderly care and what is their added value?  Last June our kick-off meeting for the multi-annual programme on elderly care with the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC) revealed the need for a more concise and concrete proposition from the Netherlands. Especially during these digital times visibility and creating awareness is key. As a result Task Force Health Care, in cooperation with the Dutch embassy in Beijing, developed a proposition booklet for Dutch elderly care including.. read more.


About TFHC
Task Force Health Care (TFHC) is the platform for the Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector since 1996. Our not-for-profit platform supports Dutch companies, NGOs, knowledge institutions, healthcare providers and governments to realize their international ambitions in the LSH sector.  TFHC actively represents the interests of the Dutch LSH sector to the Dutch government. For China, this has resulted in TFHC being designated as the executive partner of the MoU signed between the  Chinese National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Dutch Ministry of Health Welfare and Sports. Currently, TFHC is also coordinating a Partners in International Business Programme on elderly care in China.