France | Digital LSH mission & matchmaking
June 1, 2021 - June 3, 2021
Are you looking to learn how to access opportunities in the French LSH sector and connect with French distributors and key stakeholders? Then sign up for this Digital mission taking place on 1-3 June 2021.
Opportunities in the French LSH-sector post-COVID-19:
In December 2018, Task Force Health Care and Transfer conducted a market study in France, finding a large number of opportunities for Dutch organisations with solutions in Medical Devices, eHealth, Mobility & Vitality, Hospital Build, BioTech and the Public Health sectors. Post-COVID-19, it has been identified that these opportunities will continue to grow as the need for digitalisation continues to increase.
France is the fifth-largest economy worldwide, and the second-largest economy in Europe. The health outcomes in France are ranked among the best in the European Union, with spending on healthcare being around 11.5% of GDP, higher than the EU average. According to the WHO, there are two main reasons for the success of the French healthcare system: (1) “It is extremely open and communicative with patients and families, which reaps significant patient safety benefits;” and 2) “it has far more doctors per capita. The result is that physicians want patients and patients have a choice.”
French organizations are more and more open to collaboration in research and development projects, however, these tend to be oriented towards Germany, UK, Italy and the United States. A strong network of health innovation clusters (les pôles de compétitivité en santé) is present in the different regions of France. Their main aims are to: stimulate innovation, support the development of SMEs, grow internationally, and to offer high-level infrastructures.
For an extensive overview of opportunities, please view the market study carried out in 2018.
What to expect?
This mission is the first event since the Trade Mission to the SantExpo in 2019 with the former Minister of Healthcare Bruno Bruins. The planned mission to visit the SantExpo in 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19. The mission and matchmaking will have a focus on fact-finding and matchmaking with a minimum of 3-4 tailor-made individual meetings (most likely more). Matchmaking will include the main French:
- Medical device distributors
- Central purchasing groups for private and public hospitals
- Elderly care organisations
- Pharmacy groups
- Healthcare authorities
- Healthcare clusters
- Agents
The trade mission will have national coverage with a specific focus on the Paris area and Lille/ northern France region (where one of the main healthcare clusters of France is established at less than 250 km’s from the Dutch border).
TFHC-partners €1.750,- (ex. BTW), second participant €750,- (ex. BTW)
Non-partners €1.950,- (ex. BTW), second participant €950,- (ex. BTW)
After this Digital mission, you will have strengthened your…
- ..knowledge of opportunities for your specific product/service in France.
- ..entry strategy/sales & marketing strategy for your specific product/service.
- ..network of key opinion leaders and buyers in the French LSH sector.
- ..approach to develop projects and/or sustainable business relationships in France.
Register today
Get ready to take your next steps in France. For this event, you can make use of the SIB-mission voucher. If you are eligible, 50% of the participation costs will be covered with this voucher. To determine if you are eligible, please visit the SIB Mission Voucher website.