Incoming Mission Sweden
February 8, 2023
Netherlands | Incoming Mission Sweden
8 February 2023
On February 8th, we will welcome a high-level delegation of leading stakeholders within the Swedish healthcare sector, focused on digital solutions and oncology. The Netherlands is ranked as one of the most interesting markets for export for many Swedish companies. Similarities in cultures, needs of healthcare services and population of early adopters are some of the reasons behind that.
This incoming visit is led by Swecare as a follow-up after a digital mission to the Netherlands during spring 2022. The focus will be on digital health and oncology, two areas where both Sweden and the Netherlands have a strong expertise.
What to expect?
The Swedish delegation consists of both SMEs and representatives of the public sector, such as the Swedish eHealth Agency, Karolinska University Hospital as well as the Region of Halland.
On February 8th from 11:00 – 13:00 CET, a physical knowledge exchange session is organized for Dutch and Swedish participants. This knowledge exchange session gives you, as a Dutch company, the opportunity to get to know the Swedish delegation, to share your experiences and to expand your network. It will take place at The Hague Conference Centre. The session is concluded by a networking lunch.
Register today!
Are you interested in taking part in the knowledge exchange session and networking event to deepen your relations with high-level Swedish stakeholders within the LSH sector? Then register here!
* This event is free of charge.
More information
Lotte Hendriks
T +31 (0)6 82 06 36 08
Denmark + Sweden | Life Sciences & Health Mission Copenhagen, Malmö & Stockholm
Would you like to follow-up on this physical incoming delegation from Sweden and are you interested to expand your business there or to strengthen your relations in the country? Then the upcoming Life Sciences & Health mission to Denmark and Sweden is the perfect opportunity for you. It is organized by the Task Force Health Care and will take place from the 6th until the 9th of March 2023.
During this visit, various healthcare stakeholders in Denmark and Sweden will be visited, amongst others Danish Life Science Cluster, Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare, the private hospital group Capio in Sweden (TBC). More information and registration can be found here: Denmark + Sweden | Life Sciences & Health Mission Copenhagen, Malmö & Stockholm – TFHC