The demand for healthcare solutions in Indonesia is strongly increasing. Indonesia withholds numerous Life Sciences and Health opportunities, making it both an excellent starting point for Dutch companies that want to enter the ASEAN market, and a fruitful market for those who are already active in the region. Through the extension of the strategic SMM ASEAN Connected Care program (2021-2023), focusing on Indonesia, you can meet key opinion leaders, learn about current developments, and strengthen your position on the Indonesian healthcare market.
We are working on a multi-annual (SMM) program for Texas and California. This is your chance to set the agenda for upcoming activities and initiatives for Dutch LSH organizations in the US. Please fill out this short online survey to provide your input on future activities related to the US. You can share your interests with us until Friday 30th of August, 2024.
From the 3rd to the 7th of July, we will welcome a high-level delegation of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), one of China’s most important government agencies. The NDRC has signed a MoU with the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to address the challenges of its ageing society together. The incoming visit aims to facilitate policy exchange on population ageing & elderly care and business cooperation in the field of elderly care / silver economy. On Friday 5 July, TFHC will host the China – Netherlands Business Meet & Greet in Utrecht, open to all Dutch LSH organizations with an interest in Sino-Dutch cooperation.
Are you a Dutch LSH organization and would you like to know more about the latest LSH trends in the United States? And would you like to provide input on future activities related to the United States? Join us for this digital event to (re-)connect with key stakeholders, receive the newest LSH updates, and set the agenda for upcoming activities and initiatives for Dutch LSH organizations in the US.