The United States | Launch Market Study California
June 1, 2021 @ 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
The Task Force Health Care (TFHC), the Netherlands Representations in the US and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) have the pleasure of inviting you to the Digital Launch of the “Life Sciences & Health Market Study: California” on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
- Location: Online on the interactive platform REMO
- When: Tuesday 1 June 17.00 – 18.30 h CET
What to expect?
- Learn more about the Top Reasons why California is interesting for the Dutch health sector!
- Get an overview of the healthcare landscape and current developments in California, as well as the opportunities for the Dutch LSH sector.
- Have in-depth round table discussions on the Californian LSH sector.
- Digitally network with like-minded people who are interested in doing business in California.
Did you know?
- California is the largest healthcare market in the United States. With 40 million inhabitants California is the most populous state in the US. It has by far the most extensive budget for healthcare spending compared to other US states.
- California houses one of the most prominent MedTech & Medical Devices clusters in the United States? In 2019, venture capitalists invested US$1.249 billion was in the Medical Devices industry and 1.764 patents on new technologies or diagnostics were issued in California alone.
- Californian companies and health care providers are leaders when it comes to the implementation of novel technologies, including Artificial Intelligence. The greatest advancements are in drug development and AI implementation as a research and diagnostics tool. Venture capital cooperation is targeting the development of AI in healthcare.
Speaker: Dirk Janssen, Consul General, Netherlands Consulate General in San Francisco
Speaker: Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare & Sports
About the Californian Life Sciences & Health Sector
Speaker: Steve Karp, Executive Director, Innovation Services, California Life Sciences Institute (CLSI)
Q&A with Steve Karp, Executive Director, Innovation Services, California Life Sciences Institute (CLSI)
Top reasons why California is Interesting for the Dutch LSH sector
Speaker: Micha van Lin, Executive Director, Task Force Health Care
Breakout in round table discussions
Roundtable Discussions (3 rounds of 10 min)
- Karin Louzada, NL Consulate General in San Francisco
- Peter Post, NBSO Los Angeles
- Edwin Maarseveen, NL Embassy Washington
- Henk Hanselaar, NL Honorary Consulate General in San Diego (tbc)
- Ari Aminetzah, Strategic Advisor TFHC North America
- Jennifer Schrage, Platform TFHC North America
Networking and virtual business card exchange
Register today!
Please register here for the Launch of the “Life Sciences & Health Market Study: California”. For more information on the event, please contact Jennifer Schrage, programme manager TFHC North America. We are looking forward to seeing you on June 1st, 2021
E jennifer.schrage@tfhc.nl
T +31 70 21 99 005