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You are cordially invited to give your input on the storylines which will be conveyed internationally by the Dutch government and TFHC regarding Value-driven Health care. This year, Task Force Health Care organizes multiple expert sessions during which selected participants deliberate on storylines from different strengths. Value-driven Health care aims at measuring and maximizing value for patients while providing insight in costs and enabling cost savings. We assign great value to your presence as a key stakeholder within Life Sciences and Health.

What to expect?

The session’s outcomes will contribute to the implementation of the Health~Holland International Strategy 2020-2023 which was created by the Topsector LSH and Dutch government. Your input contributes to the promotion and activity agenda abroad. 

  • Share your insights about the Dutch strengths within Value-driven Health care. 
  • Get to know like-minded organizations, while strengthening your international value proposition, knowledge and contacts; 
  • Receive knowledge from an LSH expert on the latest developments within Value-driven Health care. 
  • Be informed about the International Strategy 2020-2023 


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