Visitors Programme DMEA | Germany
April 9, 2019 - April 11, 2019
Are you active in digitalisation in healthcare and is Germany an important (upcoming) market? If so, then the DMEA (formerly known as the ConhIT) needs to be in your agenda! Because of the strategic importance of this trade fair and congress for Dutch companies and organisations wanting to be active in Germany, Task Force Health Care together with the Netherlands Business Support Office in Stuttgart is organising a collective Dutch visit to the DMEA from 9 – 11 April, 2019.
The DMEA is the congress and trade fair where all German (and European) stakeholders in digital health are present to learn about new trends and innovations, network, find partners and learn about the digitalisation of healthcare in Germany.
Why this year’s edition is crucial to Dutch companies and organisations
This is the time to invest in your network and partners in Germany. Germany has long been hesitant with the implementation and roll-out of digital technology in the healthcare infrastructure. At the core of this hesitance have been privacy and security concerns, made increasingly difficult by the sheer amount of agencies and parties that have to come to agreements on the way forward. Nevertheless, Germany is keenly aware of the necessity to move forward. The mounting pressure and momentum is now leading to concrete changes in attitude and legislation. Consequently, this gives more room to start and develop pilots, projects, and work together the Netherlands – which is known in Germany as innovative and leading the field in terms of digitalising healthcare.
What’s included?
- Entrance to all days of the DMEA Trade Fair & Congress, Europe’s most prominent Health IT event.
- Individual matchmaking, with relevant parties facilitated by the Enterprise Europe Network.
- Collective visits, to relevant organisations in- and around Berlin.
- Dutch Digital Health Night, at the Netherlands Embassy during which pitching, networking and inspiration between Dutch & German key stakeholders in digital health is the goal.
- Network receptions, to (informally) network with relevant parties.
- Knowledge sharing and networking, with other members from the Dutch delegation.
- Support from the TFHC (sector specialist) and the NBSO Stuttgart (Germany specialist).
For a concept programma click here
Who should join?
Businesses and knowledge institutes active in the Healthcare sector, especially (but not exclusively) those focusing on the following areas of expertise:
- eHealth (Digital Health): Smart solutions to use health resources such as information, finance and medicines better and more efficiently. Services and technology to enable remote patient monitoring; better dissemination of information and improved access to health services, remote consultations and telemedicine.
- Mobility & Vitality: Smart products and services designed to stimulate, enable and facilitate disable, less abled and vital citizens to be and stay active and mobile participants/ contributors in society.
- TFHC partners: €695,- excl. VAT*
- Non TFHC partners: €795,- excl. VAT*
- 10% discount applies to the second person of the same organisation.
*50% Discount: You may be eligible for an SIB Mission voucher offered by RVO.nl. With a mission voucher, SMEs (MKB) could get a financial compensation towards the participation fee. To find out if you are eligible for the mission voucher, click here for more information.
Please click here to register (Deadline is 22nd of February 2019)
For more information regarding this collective visit to the DMEA 2019, please contact:
- Guido Danen: guido.danen@tfhc.nl / T: 070 21 99 001.
For more information regarding the German (e)Health market and its opportunities, please contact:
- Agaath Hulzebos of the NBSO Stuttgart: hulzebos@nbso-stuttgart.de / T: +49 711 870 38 550.