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Around the World of Health Care in two digital days!

We invite you to participate in the World of Health Care 2020 on 11 & 12 November. During two days you will explore global healthcare developments, challenges and solutions on our World of Health Care platform. This virtual environment provides you with inspirational dialogue and multiple networking moments. With the shift to online, location is no longer a barrier. Cross-border opportunities can occur from your home office. Therefore, we invite you to tap into our networks and expand your connections among relevant Dutch and international stakeholders from the private sector, NGO’s, knowledge institutes and different tiers of government.

Meet international LSH stakeholders
100+ decision-makers from 20+ countries will share their experiences. Live from, for example, Brazil, China, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and the United States. We have already announced who you can meet. We sincerely hope that we can meet you virtually during the World of Healthcare. You can register now.

Look forward to a day of virtual networking, knowledge-sharing and fostering meaningful partnerships!
