Eager to learn more about our surprisingly comparable healthcare system, our challenges, our solutions, six Colombian healthcare leaders visited the Netherlands. By intensifiyinfg already close relations possibilities were explored to work even more closely toghether in improving healthcare in both countries.

The delegation consisted of highly influentuals Colombian healthcare professionals (among others the perhaps soon to be elected next Minister of Health). The tailor made visitors programme emphasized the importance of maintaining close ties with the Netherlands.

Kicking off with a workshop at the Dutch Ministry of Health, the attendees were able to share knowledge on topics such as accessibility, affordability, transparency and corruption. Subsequently, a field visit  to the Cardiology Centre Utrecht demonstrated the uniqueDutch care model to keep cardiovascular care quick, high quality ánd payable. The following day, early morning, the Colombian delegation headed southwards to Maastricht UMC+ and the adjacent Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus to experience how research, innovation, education and care giving are interwoven productively.

This time  TFHC Partners Hospitainer and MedRecord enjoyed the colombian visit. Discussions were held regarding healthcare infrastructure solutions for Colombia’s rural areas. Lastly, the delegation participated in a joint workshop on #VBHC with the Dutch Value Based Healthcare Creators and as cherry on the pie visited Humanitas Deventer, where we were showed around by a student who was living in this heart-warming elderly care home.