All our partners have international ambitions, to realize these ambitions we
offer support in every unique step of their international journey…
Opportunities for cooperation between German & Dutch Health experts
*This newsitem is in Dutch | Hoe kunnen wij de zorg beter en kostenefficiënter maken? Hoe kunnen digitalisering en eHealth hier een rol in spelen? En wat kan een bijdrage van een grensoverschrijdende samenwerking zijn en [...]
Brexit-Lunch Meeting | Healthcare sector
*This meeting is in Dutch | Nederland heeft een zeer intensieve relatie met het naastgelegen Verenigd Koninkrijk. Brexit heeft dus gevolgen, ook voor de zorgsector. Denk daarbij bijvoorbeeld aan de leveringszekerheid van medische producten, zorgrekeningen van [...]
India | Largest trade mission gives a phenomenal boost to the relationship with the Netherlands
Historic trade mission to India resulted in fruitful collaborations as numerous MoU’s were signed. The official and business delegation visited New Dehli and Bangalore for collective visits, network events, seminars, bilateral meetings and trade dinners. [...]
Dutch delegation in Boston – the biotech hub of the universe
Dutch Association Innovative Medicines, Task Force Health Care, Health~Holland, NSBO and the Dutch Embassy in Washington look back on a successful 4-day study trip to Boston. The visits to the eight companies and healthcare institutions [...]
Visiting Stockholm, Olso and Copenhagen in 5 days!
A Healthcare Roadshow to Scandinavia filled with high-level meetings, workshops and hospital visits. According to the Dutch delegation, this exploratory mission provided great insights into the healthcare systems of the Nordic region. Tapping into the [...]
Explore your chances in West France!
*This newsitem is in Dutch | Bent u actief in de eHealth- & Healthsector? Wilt u uw kansen in West-Frankrijk verkennen? Meld u dan aan voor het International Business Partnering Forum op 2 en 3 juli [...]
Last chance to enjoy a low ticket price! #WoHC2018
Congresstival for key stakeholders in the Life Sciences & Health sector with a global view. Get ready for World of Health Care (WoHC) 2018! On the 27th of September 2018 the third edition of our successful congresstival World [...]
Signing of the ‘Partners for International Business’ on Elderly Care in China!
The Task Force Health Care Partners in International Business (PIB) "Elderly Care China, Shared Challenges, Smart Solutions" convenant was signed in presence of DG Longterm Care Kees van der Burg (Ministry of Health, Welfare & [...]