All our partners have international ambitions, to realize these ambitions we
offer support in every unique step of their international journey…
How to prepare for export during the pandemic?
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, entrepreneurs are looking for ways to improve international healthcare by exporting their solution. The Starters International Business coaching programme (SIBIC) offers them free guidance, beyond the limitations of COVID-19. The [...]
Distributor search | How Partner Msupport International benefits from TFHC’s Helpdesk
How to find distributors and set up effective distribution channels? An important challenge raised by MSupport International, our new partner of the Task Force Health Care (TFHC). Henk Deuschle (founder) and Babs Mertens (International [...]
Connecting with healthcare stakeholders in Japan
What does it take to successfully develop new business in Japan? In October 2020, a group of Dutch companies participated in a digital Life Sciences & Health showcase and matchmaking mission. An important step towards valuable [...]
From Seed to Christmas Tree – The New Health~Holland Update is Out Now!
How is it possible that a small seed can be the beginning of a beautiful flower? It all started in 2011. The Dutch Government planted a seed: the Top Sector Policy. The Top Sectors formed the [...]
Tailor-made support
If there ever was a time in business where collaboration is needed, it’s now. Going at it alone may not cut it. Task Force Health Care offers tailor-made support created with the intent to [...]
LUMC invests in global outreach and international collaborations
Worldwide, the mobility of students, teachers and researchers has become an essential driver of innovation and creativity. Connecting bright minds and transcending borders boosts the international impact of cutting-edge research and the translation of knowledge [...]
Learning about LSH trends in South East Asia
What are the latest developments in the Life Sciences & Health sector in the ASEAN-5 area? What opportunities are currently arising for innovative Dutch LSH companies? This was discussed during our recent ASEAN-5 Health~Holland Digital [...]
Paying the price | Pandemic puts DRC’s fragile health system at risk
How are women, young people, and health workers dealing with COVID-19 in DRC? Devex journalist Sam Mednick wrote an in-depth and compelling story about TFH Partner Cordaid’s sexual and reproductive health and rights programme in Congo’s [...]