All our partners have international ambitions, to realize these ambitions we
offer support in every unique step of their international journey…
Just Launched | H~H Year in Preview 2020
The start of 2020 has been a challenge for everyone with the coronavirus spreading from country to country. Although these are tough times for us all, we believe that we should unite to find a [...]
Now Available! NL Health~Holland Guide 2020-2021
Task Force Health Care and Health~Holland proudly present the latest edition of the NL Health~Holland Guide! This guide presents a wide range of innovative Dutch organisations, which are active worldwide, in the Life Sciences & Healthcare sector [...]
TFHC Coronavirus Update
Den Haag, 17-03-2020 | See English version and update agenda below TFHC Update over het Coronavirus De toename van het aantal Corona besmettingen wereldwijd en in Nederland baart ons grote zorgen en brengt voor de gehele samenleving [...]
TFHC Partner Delft Imaging signed an agreement to implement artificial intelligence in the fight against tuberculosis in Indonesia
10 March 2020 | Indonesia has the third highest burden of tuberculosis in the world, following only after China and India. Even though Indonesia has made remarkable progress over the last decade, tuberculosis (TB) still [...]
Awesome cooling for a better world – Task Force Health Care proudly welcomes Coolfinity as a new partner!
Coolfinity believes that improving people's lives starts with reliable cooling. They contribute to many of the SDGs, among others to the SDG2, SDG7, and SDG3: ensuring healthy lives. They offer the following solutions for healthcare: [...]
Make your pitch rock-solid with the Health~Holland Masterclass | Elevator Pitch!
Looking to improve your elevator pitch? In this workshop, you will join TFHC & Speech Republic experts to become familiar with all elements which make your elevator pitch for healthcare stakeholders rock solid. You will [...]
TFHC and FMO team up to unlock Dutch Potential and contribute to Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3) in emerging and developing countries
Task Force Health Care (TFHC) and Dutch entrepreneurial development bank, FMO, signed an agreement that will enhance the involvement of the Dutch Life Sciences and Health sector in projects that contribute to the achievement of [...]
Your input needed | Set the agenda for 2020!
*This item is in Dutch | Wat zijn de internationale ambities van uw organisatie in 2020? Wij brengen graag uw behoeften in kaart. Een goede voorbereiding is de sleutel tot succes. Middels onderstaand onderzoek helpen [...]