Van Akenweg 2
6218 HN, Maastricht
The Netherlands
What is CRDL?
CRDL (cradle) is an interactive care instrument that translates physical contact between people into sound. By adopting a playful and investigative approach to physical contact, CRDL avoids existing conventions associated with touch.
Smart Design
CRDL is the idea of designers Dennis Schuivens and Jack Chen. The instrument is made of high-quality, solid hardwood. It combines a playful, organic design with intelligent software. The electronics are hidden in the wooden casing, keeping the technology behind the product hidden from view. No buttons, wires, lights or plugs. The emphasis lies on the interaction.
Sound by touch
The instrument reacts to the intensity and frequency of the contact. It produces sounds from nature (the sea, birds, crickets), the city (a tram, bike bell, church bells), animal sounds, sounds of musical instruments, or from everyday life (a boiling kettle, teacups). Users have access to an extensive library of sounds, or they can add their own to the SD card. The interaction starts when two users each place a hand on the CRDL and form a circuit by touching each other. The CRDL recognises how the people are touching each other and translates this into sound.
The type of touch influences the sound that is produced: holding, rubbing, tapping or tickling. By using the human body as a part of the mechanism, users are not so much playing the instrument, but rather each other.
There are 25 pre-programmed sounds. Users can also add their own sounds to the SD card. The CRDL can be used both 1-on-1 or in a group. It is possible to extend the circle by adding other people, like links in a chain.
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Mobility & Vitality