Visiting address:
Zilverstraat 69
2718 RP, Zoetermeer
+31 (0)79 353 11 00

Keeping the industry on the world map

FME is built on three pillars: policy, services and sectors. We are prominently present regionally in dealings with public authorities and in networks. FME protects its members’ interests by indicating what is necessary to keep Dutch technological industry on the world map.


FME makes its voice heard by conducting studies, putting forward solutions and making recommendations for issues that face the sector in general and individual companies in particular. FME is represented in numerous organisations and bodies, both in the Netherlands and internationally. Among other things we are affiliated to the Dutch employers’ organisation VNO-NCW and maintain close relationships with ministries and other government agencies. Internationally, FME represents the interests of the Dutch technological industry in European umbrella organisations like CEEMET and Orgalime that in turn maintain contacts with EU authorities. To facilitate these ties FME has stationed its own representative in Brussels.


FME has bundled its knowledge and experience. We actively support our members across a wide spectrum of subjects and themes. FME employs experienced experts who have advised thousands of companies on such wide-ranging matters as labour, environment, energy, international business and technology. The members’ Service Desk (reachable by phone) is the central gateway to obtaining expert support from FME. The desk solves first-line problems. For matters that require more comprehensive support FME has dozens of consultants throughout the country who are always ready to help members. For legal disputes FME has its own lawyers and mediators. FME provides seasoned export consultants for members (and groups of members) that want to enter unknown or unfamiliar international markets.

Trade associations

FME accommodates 120 technological industry associations and secretariats. They bundle FME member or non-member companies that make a similar product, operate in the same market or have other common interests.


FME is administratively active in the regions of the Netherlands. From offices in Tilburg, Enschede, Groningen and Zoetermeer, five secretaries represent FME in networks and dealings with government bodies in the regions of South Netherlands, North Netherlands, East Netherlands, Rhine Delta and West Netherlands. They also act as secretaries to the FME regional boards. On request they organise meetings and projects for members in their respective regions.

Public Health