Spain | Life Sciences & Health Mission

Join us on this Life Sciences & Health mission to Spain! Explore the Spanish healthcare system and connect to key healthcare stakeholders within Public Health, eHealth and Healthy Ageing. This mission is organised by the Task Force Health Care and will take place from the 8th until 10th of November 2023.
When: 8 – 10 November 2023
Where: Barcelona
For: Public Health, eHealth and Healthy Ageing
During this visit, various healthcare stakeholders in Barcelona will be visited, amongst others public, private and academic hospitals, knowledge- and research institutes and important health networks.
About Spain
After the effects of Covid 19, the European Next Generation EU recovery funds represent the most important boost in Spain’s recent economic history. The Recovery Plan outlines the roadmap for the modernisation of the Spanish economy under which the Ministry of Health contributes to “An administration for the XXI century”, “Pact for science and innovation”. Strengthening the capacities of the National Health System” and “Education and knowledge, continuous training and capacity building”, with resources that will represent 1,364 million euros.
At the same time, mortality rates from preventable and treatable causes are lower in Spain than the EU average, boosted by effective public health and prevention policies before the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently Spain holds the presidency of the EU council, driving forward EU legislation, continuity of the EU agenda and cooperation among member states.
What to expect?
The overarching topics of interest during this trade mission are Public Health, eHealth, and Healthy Ageing.
After this trade mission, you will be able to strengthen your…
- … insights on the trends in the Spanish healthcare sector.
- … knowledge of opportunities for your specific product/service in Spain.
- … network of key opinion leaders and possible partners in the Spanish LSH sector.
- … (further) develop projects and/or sustainable business relationships in Spain.
Participation fee
The cost of participating in this exploratory visit is as follows:
- TFHC Partner: € 950,- (excl. VAT), per person
- Non-TFHC Partner: € 1.150, – (excl. VAT), per person
This fee includes participation in the collective program, lunches, and dinners when included as part of the programme, and local support by the organising parties. This fee excludes travel and accommodation costs (such as hotels, international and domestic transport) and all individual costs, such as lunches and dinners outside the programme.
As this is a privately organised mission, you may be eligible for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s (RVO) Support International Business (SIB) Grant to (partly) fund your activities to increase your business opportunities in a specific foreign country. For more information and application for the SIB grant, please visit the website of RVO.
If you want to be part of the Dutch LSH delegation, please register before 22 September 2023.
Do you have any questions about the program or logistics and financial matters? We are happy to help. For more information, please contact:
Helena Pluimes, Project Manager
+31 (0)6 57 07 62 78
Early registration will give you the opportunity to express any special interest in stakeholder engagement to be considered during the finetuning of the programme.
COVID-19 Clause
Early registration will give you the opportunity to express any special interest in stakeholder engagement to be considered during the finetuning of the programme.
If any new developments occur with regards to COVID-19, there is a risk that the mission cannot take place on the planned date. A Go/No-Go will be given 6 weeks prior to the mission. If the travel advice changes to orange (necessary travels only), the mission will be cancelled or postponed.