Switzerland | Life Sciences & Health Trade Mission Digital Health
May 10, 2022 - May 12, 2022
Update: This mission is fully booked.
Interested in doing business in the Swiss healthcare market? Join the trade mission on Life Sciences and Health. This trade mission, which will take place from 10-12 May 2022 in the German-speaking region of Switzerland, provides excellent opportunities to meet new and relevant contacts and shed light on current developments in the Swiss healthcare system.
Registration via the RVO website.
About the Swiss LSH Market
The Swiss healthcare system is known to be one of the best in the world. There is an extensive network of hospitals, institutions and healthcare providers. Swiss healthcare expenditure amounts to 11.88% if its GDP, which is the highest of all EU countries and the second highest in the world. The Netherlands and Switzerland have a similar vision for the future of healthcare. Much attention is given to prevention and improving the health of its citizens. Both countries have a large baby-boomer population are innovative countries and face similar challenges in terms of health expenditure. This provides a good basis for cooperation between the Dutch and Swiss business communities and institutes.
What to expect?
During this trade mission, you will learn all of the ins and outs of doing business with Switzerland in the LSH sector. Since Switzerland is not an EU member state, you will receive information on the specific conditions of doing business with Switzerland. Networking moments will allow you to connect with:
- Hospitals and care providers
- Healthcare insurers
- (Local) government
- Local partners
The delegation will be strengthened by the presence and support from representatives from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), the Embassy of the Netherlands in Switzerland, and Task Force Health Care. This trade mission is of interest to organisations and companies active in the area of Life Sciences and Health with a focus on digital health / eHealth.
Preliminary programme
The program will be updated in the coming months. We will take into account the input of participating organisations.
After this trade mission, you will have strengthened your…
- … knowledge of opportunities for your specific product/service in Switzerland.
- … entry strategy/sales & marketing strategy for your specific product/service.
- … network of key opinion leaders and buyers in the Swiss LSH sector.
- … approach to develop projects and/or sustainable business relationships in Switzerland.
Would you like to know more about the opportunities in the LSH sector in Switzerland regarding Digital Health? Then please download The Digital Health Market in the Netherlands and Switzerland study here.
Register today
The participation fee is €500,- (excl. VAT) per organisation (max. 1 participant per organisation). This fee includes participation in the collective programme, collective local transport and local support by organizing parties. Travel and accommodation costs are not included. A maximum of 12 companies can participate in this trade mission.
- Registration is closed
Do you have questions about the programme or logistics and financial matters? We are happy to help. For more information, please contact:
- Guido Danen, TFHC Europe
070 21 99 001
Prepare yourself
In preparation for the mission you can download the Market Study Digital Health Market in the Netherlands and Switzerland via the website of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
COVID-19 clause
Due to rapid developments with regards to COVID-19, there is a risk that the mission cannot take place on the planned date. A Go/No-Go will be given 6 weeks prior to the mission. If the travel advice changes to orange (necessary travel only), the mission will be cancelled or postponed.
This trade mission is organised by Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), The Netherlands Embassy in Bern and Task Force Health Care (TFHC).