A pipeline project of the World Bank in Tajikistan.

Project Development Objectives
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to contribute to the improvement of the coverage and quality of basic primary health care (PHC) services in rural health facilities in selected regions. The Project’s main beneficiaries would be the Tajik population of selected regions who would benefit from improved PHC services. Primary health care providers would also directly benefit from the Project through performance-based incentives and capacity building. Women, especially poorer rural women, would be a major direct beneficiary group as much of the Project is focused on improving maternal health services in the PHC facilities. By focusing on the underserved areas in the country, the Project would reach out to target the poorer sections of the rural women. The key indicators of achievement of the Project Development Objective in the selected intervention areas are as follows:

(a) Percentage of pregnant women receiving antenatal care four or more times from a skilled health provider;
(b) Contraceptive prevalence rate;
(c) Average Health Facility Quality of Care Score;
(d) Percentage of children under-five with diarrhea treated with any Oral Rehydration Therapy.

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