Task Force Health Care (TFHC) and Dutch entrepreneurial development bank, FMO, signed an agreement that will enhance the involvement of the Dutch Life Sciences and Health sector in projects that contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3), Good Health and Well-Being. These projects are specifically aimed at emerging and developing countries.

Finance Solutions for Meaningful Health Projects using Dutch Expertise

FMO NL Business provides financing solutions for healthcare projects, which is aligned with and supports the TFHC’s mission to improve health and well-being internationally in a sustainable and demand-driven manner with the use of Dutch expertise.

“FMO’s decision to step forward and invest more in the health sector is great news for TFHC partners and consortia looking for solutions to finance high-impact projects in low- and middle-income countries. The Netherlands is widely known for its healthcare expertise and innovative solutions and coupled with FMO’s investment expertise, ability to accelerate project development, and project financing solutions, this partnership will enable new and exciting opportunities for all involved”, said Micha van Lin, Managing Director of TFHC.

Janet Nieboer, Director at FMO NL Business, added that “Partnering with the TFHC platform is a valuable step forward in further developing our interaction with Dutch companies and organisations. The platform delivers relevant market insights and networks in the Netherlands and abroad, enabling the Dutch to gain access to international markets whereby Dutch solutions in healthcare can bring about improvement in human health and well-being. Our partnership with the TFHC, therefore, helps us to increase our impact by mobilizing more capital and catalyzing investments in emerging and developing markets.”

TFHC has been supporting the Dutch Life Sciences & Health Sector in achieving their international market ambitions since 1996. FMO and TFHC have now become official partners and will actively work together to identify and develop projects relevant to the TFHC partners and consortia. The success of this partnership will be measured by the number of health projects delivered abroad.

Seminar on Financing Solutions for International Health Projects

As one of the first shared efforts of TFHC and FMO, together with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) and Atradius DSB, a seminar on Financing Solutions for International Health Projects will take place on the 18 December 2019. The seminar aims to update the Dutch Life Science and Health sector on the available support for developing and financing health projects abroad, discuss financial bottlenecks, and set-up one-on-one meetings with financing experts to discuss project proposals.

For more information and registration, please visit:
