United States | Health~Holland Country Update

Are you a Dutch LSH organization and would you like to know more about the latest LSH trends in the United States? And would you like to provide input on future activities related to the United States? Join us for this digital event to (re-)connect with key stakeholders, receive the newest LSH updates, and set the agenda for upcoming activities and initiatives for Dutch LSH organizations in the US.
When: 11 July 2024, 16:00 – 17:30 (CET)
Where: Online
For: Dutch Life Sciences & Health companies
The US is the largest market in the world when it comes to healthcare, biotech, medical devices, and the pharmaceutical industry. In 2022, the US spent US$ 4,5 trillion on medical costs, making it one of the biggest healthcare markets in the world. In the US, the availability of venture capital and the willingness to invest in technology is high. The transition from financially driven care to value-based health care offers opportunities for Dutch LSH organizations with innovative solutions that reduce healthcare costs, increase return on investment, and ensure a lower pressure on healthcare capacity.
What to expect?
During this online session, our network in the US will share the latest developments in the US market, addressing opportunities, challenges, and long-term perspectives with regards to the LSH sector. An update will be provided on the Texas Medical Center (TMC) Biobridge collaboration and the LSH Roadmap USA 2021 – 2025; a public-private trajectory focused on digitalization, accessibility, and sustainability of healthcare, as well as biopharmaceutical development. Insights and experiences of the recent LSH Trade Mission to Texas in April 2024 will be shared. We will conclude the session with an open forum to collect your input on future activities related to the United States. Together we will set the agenda for upcoming activities and initiatives that are valuable for Dutch LSH organizations with an interest in entering or scaling in the US market.
Participation costs
Attending this Health~Holland Country Update is free of charge.
Online survey
You can help us setting the agenda for upcoming activities and initiatives for Dutch LSH organizations in the US already! Please fill out this short online survey to provide your input on future activities related to the US.
Do you want to join this event? Then please register now. We are looking forward to seeing you online.
Do you have any questions about the program or logistics and financial matters? We are happy to help. For more information, please contact:
Contact name: Daphne Elberse, Project Manager
Phone: +31 (0) 6 26 95 15 74
E-mail: daphne.elberse@tfhc.nl